The O-Shot

The O-Shot at Effect Med Spa in St. Johns, Florida

What is the O-Shot ?

What is the O-Shot & What Can I Expect?

The Orgasm “O” Shot is a non-surgical treatment designed to increase sexual arousal and rejuvenate the vagina. Patients often report stronger and more frequent orgasms, increased natural lubrication, and greater arousal after undergoing the procedure.

How Does the O-Shot Help Vaginal Rejuvenation?

The O-Shot utilizes high-quality Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) from your own blood. PRP contains cell-regenerating growth factors that, when injected into specific areas of the vagina, stimulate stem cells to increase blood flow and generate healthy tissue growth, improving the vascularization of the area.

Why Choose Effect Med Spa in St. Johns, Florida?

Located in St. Johns and serving the Jacksonville area, Effect Med Spa specializes in providing state-of-the-art treatments like the O-Shot. Our experienced practitioners are dedicated to enhancing your well-being and delivering exceptional results.

Book Your Consultation Today:

Discover the transformative benefits of the O-Shot at Effect Med Spa in St. Johns, Florida. Contact us to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards improved sexual health and rejuvenation.

why choose effect medspa
for your The O-Shot treatments?

Effect Med Spa specializes in providing state-of-the-art treatments like the O-Shot. Our experienced practitioners are dedicated to enhancing your well-being and delivering exceptional results.

What are you waiting for?

Schedule your free consultation today and start your journey of confidence and well-being.