Hormone Replacement Therapy

Growing older is unavoidable, but many of the effects of aging are preventable. As you age, your hormone production shifts and changes, often leading to unpleasant symptoms. At The Effect Lifestyle Practice in Jacksonville, Florida, our office offers hormone replacement therapy that can help both men and women restore optimal hormone levels. A balanced, healthy, and well-functioning hormonal system, along with proper diet and exercise, can boost energy, vitality, and libido.


Why do hormone levels change as you age?

Your body produces many different hormones that control and guide numerous body functions. Some of those hormones guide your reproductive health. As you age, your body manufactures fewer of those hormones, primarily estrogen in women and testosterone in men. Those changes reduce fertility, but they can also lead to numerous unwanted symptoms. Men can experience these changes: Decrease in sex drive, loss of muscle mass, thickening of breast tissue, loss of bone density, depression. Women can experience these changes: hot flashes, sleep disruptions, mood swings, weight gain, headaches, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) helps restore proper hormone levels, easing symptoms.

How does hormone replacement therapy work?

As you begin your HRT journey you’ll be evaluated to determine your current hormone levels and your symptoms. That helps your practitioner better understand which method of supplementation is best for you. Hormones can be delivered in numerous ways, including: orally in a pill form, creams or gels, skin patches, sublingually, or under your tongue. No matter which form your practitioner prescribes, it’s important to adhere to dosing and scheduling instructions to achieve the best possible results.  

Am I a good candidate for hormone replacement therapy?

Not everyone is a good candidate for hormone replacement therapy. If you have any of these conditions, you may need to pursue a different treatment option: heart disease, stroke, migraines, thrombosis or blood clots, hypertension, ovarian, endometrial, or breast cancer. Be sure to discuss your full health history with your practitioner prior to beginning any type of hormone replacement therapy, as HRT can cause serious health problems in some cases.