The Many Benefits of Kybella


Are you unhappy with your profile? Many people struggle with excess fat below and around the chin — commonly called a double chin.

A double chin might be the result of genetics, getting older, or gaining weight. The extra fat can persist despite your best efforts at exercising and watching what you eat, and it can make you feel less than your best and make you look heavier than you really are. What’s worse, losing that extra fat below the chin might seem impossible.

The good news is that there’s a nonsurgical way to contour your profile and improve your confidence. Kybella® is an injectable treatment that eliminates stubborn chin fat to slim your profile.

The aestheticians at The Effect Lifestyle Practice in Jacksonville, Florida, are experts in administering Kybella, the only FDA-approved treatment that can help you achieve noticeably reduced-fat under the chin. If you’re bothered by a double chin, take a moment to learn more about the benefits of Kybella, and then request a consultation with our team today.

Kybella is a nonsurgical treatment for double chins

The medical term for a double chin is submental fullness. Whether yours has developed because of genetics, aging, or weight gain, you know it can impact your confidence. But losing fat in a specific area of the body is often frustrating and unsuccessful.

Kybella is a treatment that utilizes a series of small injections in and around the submental area. You don’t need liposuction or plastic surgery to improve your profile and eliminate stubborn submental fat. With Kybella, there’s no surgery and minimal downtime. 

Kybella targets stubborn submental fat

Kybella injections contain a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid. This active ingredient is found naturally in your body, and it helps break down dietary fat. When used in Kybella treatments, synthetic deoxycholic acid targets fat cells in the chin area. 

The solution permanently destroys fat cells. Once unwanted fat cells are destroyed, your body works to process and eliminate them. The cells destroyed by Kybella are permanently removed, leaving you a slimmer, more contoured submental area. 

Kybella treatment is customizable

Your body and your goals are unique. At The Effect Lifestyle Practice, we develop personalized Kybella treatment plans for every patient. Your consultation includes an examination of your submental area.

Kybella can be a good option for men and women who are bothered by excess fat below the chin. Our aesthetic team talks with you about your medical history and your goals for treatment to help you decide if Kybella is right for you.

Most patients get optimal results with a series of up to six treatments, each spaced about a month apart. The number of injections you receive in each treatment session can vary depending on your chin and your aesthetic goals.

Kybella results are long-lasting

Kybella permanently destroys unwanted fat cells under your chin. After your treatment sessions, your body starts working to remove those destroyed fat cells, so they can no longer accumulate and store fat.

Over the following weeks, you begin to notice reduced submental fullness. Once you achieve your desired results, additional treatments are generally not necessary. Your results can be permanent, as long as you maintain a healthy weight. 

You don’t have to live with embarrassment caused by a double chin. It’s possible to contour your profile and boost your confidence with Kybella at The Effect Lifestyle Practice. Call our office to get started. You can also send us a message here on our website, or email us at


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